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Family Time

Family Time 

A family vacation together is an amazing opportunity for the whole family to be together, get to know each other better, and become closer. Family vacations are a chance for parents to better understand their children, to see and hear what they are living. Recreation together promotes friendship and trust between parents and children. If you spend your free time in an unusual way, bright impressions are guaranteed for the whole family. Recreation together plays an important role in the education of children. Happy memories from childhood are preserved for life. This is how family traditions are born, passed down from generation to generation, and family values are formed.


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How to take a break from children and why
How to take a break from children and why Why Children Need a Break It is normal to get tired of children. The younger the children are, the more they demand attention. Parents have to constantly answer their questions, arrange games and solve everyday problems. No wonder that from all this at...
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Types of family time
Types of family time
Types of family time  Types of joint recreation of parents and children. 1. Joint intellectual activity: intellectual games, solving crosswords, rebuses, riddles, collecting puzzles.2. Joint creative activity: drawing, molding, decorating an apartment for a holiday, decorating a greeting card for...
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