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Types of family time

Types of family time

Types of family time 

Types of joint recreation of parents and children.

1. Joint intellectual activity: intellectual games, solving crosswords, rebuses, riddles, collecting puzzles.2. Joint creative activity: drawing, molding, decorating an apartment for a holiday, decorating a greeting card for congratulating relatives, making different handicrafts.


3. Joint labor activities: planting and taking care of houseplants, improving the area around their house, doing work in the homestead, taking care of pets.4. Joint sports activities: going to the gym, swimming pool, lessons at the stadium, family skiing trips.5. Joint moving and role-playing games.


Games are an excellent source of information about the child’s personality. In the game one can see how consistently the child goes to the goal. Joint activities of parents and children can be carried out with the help of games-work, movement games-adventure, games-theatricals (playing out literary plots). The main task of adults in this game is to support the originality of children, praise in time for something interesting.


An excellent means of strengthening the family and educating the younger generation, is family tourism. Family tourism gives a unique opportunity to really acquaint children with nature, teach them to love and cherish it, to take part by themselves in solving many problems (build a fire, collect firewood, put up a tent). Achieving a common goal with parents is important for a child of any age, it becomes more confident, organized, and responsible. Resting with the whole family, you become the best friends for their children. Such active recreation helps to awaken the spirit of teamwork in parents and children, develop endurance, stamina, perseverance. During the trip, young tourists learn to distinguish edible from inedible mushrooms, they get a chance to create beautiful handicrafts from wood.


Organized a family trip to a distant country gives a lot of feelings and impressions of the new and previously unknown. Tourist complexes offer a wide range of services for family holidays: pools for children, playgrounds, sports complexes, attractions, all kinds of entertainment. But, and recreation in the countryside is not without its special charms. The beauty of nature, clean air, full of fragrant herbs, allow you to relax both physically and mentally. It has long been known that one of the main components of human happiness is its closeness to nature. Reading magazines and watching TV shows, you can learn about new and interesting places to relax and plan your next vacation with this information in mind. You can also have a great weekend in the city. You can just walk around the park holding hands, ride various attractions, visit a museum or an exhibition, go to the woods.
