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What to do in free time

What to do in free time

What to do in free time

With this list of useful and pleasant things to do, you’ll remember what real life is all about and realize that being without the Internet is no big deal. 

1. Do an audit of your bookcase. Arrange the books alphabetically, leaf through them, start reading something.2. Clean up. Perhaps there are unwashed dishes in the sink, and dust piled up in the corners.3. Write down your thoughts. Make a plan for this month, dreaming about what you’re going to spend your first million on. 4. Spend time with a pet. You can play with cats and dogs, feed fish, stroke Madagascar hissing cockroaches on their backs.5. Sleep. Dreams can be as exciting as soap operas.


6. Call your friends. Messengers and social media have reduced live voice communication to nothing. Remember what it used to be like.7. Call your family. Not just mom and dad, but also grandparents, aunts, and uncles.8. Fix something. Maybe you have an old chair with a broken leg? Or something needs stitching up? Or a leaky faucet in the kitchen?9. Take apart the balcony. Many people use it as storage for old and unwanted things. Have the courage to look in there and throw out all the junk.10. Play a musical instrument. Piano, guitar, harmonica, wooden spoons – almost every house has something.11. Take a walk. Walking around without your smartphone and perpetual notifications can be something completely new.12. take a trip. All you have to do is take the electric train to the nearest station you’ve never been to. A long-distance bus will also work.13. Visit a museum. Unbelievable, but the fact is that in a museum you can learn as much as you can from the articles on Wikipedia.14. Go to the movies. Why not treat yourself to a big screen and delicious popcorn?15. Have an evening of board games. It will surprise you, but many friends and acquaintances will agree to come and play.


16. Unleash your senses and nostalgia. Surely you will remember a lot of nice things.17. Exercise. Get a workout, a jog or a fancy plank – feel your body, wake it up. Maybe you even have a gym membership.18. Cook something. It’s easy to make a delicious meal when you have a recipe at hand from the Internet. How about a culinary experiment?19. Watch TV. In addition to the news, it shows soap operas, movies, and educational programs.20. Look through photo albums. Remember what you were like when you were a child, what your parents and grandparents were like. Feel the connection of generations.


21. Have a beauty day. Go for a manicure, pedicure, get your hair done. That goes for guys, too.22. Visit a water park. Slides, pools, fountains and other water activities are as good as hanging out on social media.23. Move your furniture. You’d be surprised, but if you swap out your closet and desk, you’ll feel like you’re in a completely different apartment.24. Change the furniture. Go to a cafe, on the bank of the river, on a bench in the driveway. A new place can bring about different thoughts and feelings.25. Take up meditation. It’s not hard, just close your eyes and start counting breaths and exhalations.


26. Do some needlework. You can turn old jeans into shorts, and shirts into vests.27. Start renovating your apartment. It is not difficult, just clean the walls and buy liquid wallpaper.28. Go shopping. Treat yourself to a new shirt, furniture, or just food that never tried.29. Go on a date. The main thing is to be more daring.30. Just look out the window and listen to the sounds around you. That is life.