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How to Learn to Rest

How to Learn to Rest

How to Learn to Rest 

You can’t imagine your life without work for 12 hours a day without weekends, you don’t want a personal life, you need tasks that are becoming more and more complicated? Welcome, you – have not learned to relax.  It would be wonderful if you want your company to grow and invest all their resources. But a shaky rhythm and fixation on work tasks disturbs the balance between work and leisure.


Forget to rest? Then write it down in your plenary. When you look over your work assignments, you’ll see the “Rest and Recreation” item and you won’t miss your relaxation hour. You can choose when you need to rest. It may be worth planning a 15-minute break before an important meeting or a demanding task. They can help you relieve the tension and get up to work with new energy.

In today’s world, work and personal tasks are so intertwined that it is difficult to understand whether you read a book to relax, or if you need it for work. The ability to separate work and personal matters is an important prerequisite for a good rest.So it will not be fully relaxed when you do something for yourself, but at the same time for the work tasks. You will be thinking about business and will not rest.


The time for the recharging and renewal of resources is not a burden, but a prerequisite for productive work. So rest regardless of the volume of work performed or the result. This is just as much a part of your daily routine as sleep or food. 


In multitasking mode, the “Rest” task may go unnoticed because the brain has not yet been able to switch to relaxation mode. Thoughts will still be about work. To avoid this, invent a small ritual. For example, if you have a small break in the office, make tea or do some breathing exercises. And at home you can relax by dressing up in quiet pajamas.


May your vacation bring you pleasure, not necessarily it must be healthy. It is not worth the effort to run 10 kilometers, if you have enough for the rest two. Do not read as many pages before going to bed. That way you will be chasing the plan, not relaxing. So, you’ll make a big mark, but will you get some rest? Stop thinking about work-related issues outside of work. Do something that brings satisfaction and do not fixate on the efficiency of the spent time. Then you will feel a burst of energy and will be able to perform your tasks more productively.